Friday, February 8, 2019

Hello World

Hi Welcome to my Blog.

I am new to this, I am sure I am going to make a lot of mistakes and I am going to learn a lot doing this.

Who Am I? 

I am a middle aged suburban family man. I drink. I know stuff.

Why am I blogging?

I have a lot of things I have learned along the way that I feel might be useful to others. I feel the need to contribute and to try to be of some help to as many people as I can.

What's the Point?

I am not sure really. I am not sure what the point of it all is. I think maybe that's the mission we are all on. To figure out some relevance, some point to what we are and who we are and what we can do. I think of this as part of the journey in figuring out what the point is.

If you enjoy the content share it with your friends and come back for more.

Thank you,


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